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FLASHBACK Tech in Jamaica: Caribexchange Trade Net Magazine



I know those of you who are new to Tech generally and new to The tech industry in Jamaica specifically will not remember this magazine -Trade Net. It started 8 years ago as a free magazine from which was an eprocurement startup based at the Technology Innovation Centre at the University of Technology Caribbean. The startup was headed by Chad Cunningham ( and Glenroy Brown.

In that edition, Sandra Glasglow the head of TIC which was in fact the Caribbean’s first Technology Incubator was interviewed, so was Renee Web, Bermuda’s Minister of Telecom and eCommerce.

It was in this magazine too, that we learnt about LycosCaribbean, the Caribbean branded Internet portal from Lycos, started by the Philidelphia based Jamaican Christopher Chaplin.

What really helps to put this magazine in context too was that it had created a list of Internet Service providers  ( ISPs) which numbered nine at the time, as the country was on the cusp of switching from dial-up Internet to faster DSL. It was a time too, when we were making the switch to liberalising the Telecom industry as well. From that list of ISPs only one remain in business at this time – Cable & Wirless which as now rebranded as L.I.M.E.

Caribexchange Trade Net magazine was also well supported with fullpage glossy ads from forward thinking companies such as Life of Jamaica,BMW, COK, Fidelity Motors, Air Jamaica, Alliance Investments, JAMPRO and Pan Caribbean.

What has changed in 8 years ?

1. The magazine and Caribexhchange went into the deadpool.

2. Sandra Glasglow is now the CEO of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica and TIC in my mind has lost its vibrancy and focus as  a Tech incubator.

3. Bermuda still has a Minister of Telecom and eCommerce.

4. LycosCaribbean hit the deadpool and Chris Chaplin in true entrepreneur form has moved on to have success in investment businesses and is also now a partner in and

5. The Internet Service Providers landscape has changed so much. Now Flow, LIME, Digicel, Claro are the top bosses in that field providing a range from DSL, TI, 3G and 4G speeds- for home, office and on the go purposes.

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