Tech News

Are you a Techie? Find out right now.



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The Merriam Webster dictionary defines a techie as a person who is very knowledgeable OR enthusiastic about technology and especially high technology. So if you see yourself in that definition you are a techie.

Let’s break it down… the definition states, you are a techie if you are very knowledgeable about technology— because you formally studied it in school, you studied it on your own ( you’re self taught) or you interned at a company or you now work within a company handling technology aspects of it – then you are a techie.

It says also, that you are a techie, if you are enthusiastic about technology-read alot, seriously into cell phones, digital photography, making videos for online, you blog/tweet regularly, curious about how to use the Internet, cell phone, youtube, online store etc to make money etc – then you’re a techie.

So please those of you who’ve opened a conversation with me by saying ” ahmm I’m not really a techie but” …do us a favour…own your passion, your interest, love it, develop it fearlessly and say yeah!! you’ve joined the ranks of the multi-millions of other techies who are living, working and doing business in this Digital Age.

So you are a techie? Tell us what your area of interest is, post a comment here and share it with others.



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