
The What and Why of the Kingston BETA event Explained



We're on a Mission

I’ve made it no secret that I’ve been on a mission. From the 1999 with the publication of Jamaica’s first Internet Guide, iGuide Jamaica, to the launching of this blog because my inbox got too heavy with information and many questions from people like you who wanted to know and to share what you were doing. I put my first tech company on ice to go work for a US-based dot com then called HomeView as its Chief Content Officer. What an experience that was.

The mission expanded in 2007 where we joined early the global movement to drive tech entrepreneurship and startups by launching the Kingston BETA event for the growing tech community to meetup regularly, network, pitch their big ideas, get feedback, connections and expertise.But honestly Kingston BETA came from my own selfish need to meet more people like me who were in the tech industry, thought we were alone with our ideas and were going crazy working in silos craving validation, connection, information and help.

Four years, over 40 events, 2000 attendees, 70 Caribbean Startups later…the community is growing, the ideas are getting better, the startups launching are happening faster, more are being successful. At the same time, some people still don’t get it, so they’ve never supported the mission, event and community (corporate or individual), that’s ok too.

Now,because of there are always fresh faces and yes in some respects to hammer home the mission in a bid to further inspire others, it has led me to start every Kingston BETA event with answering the question…What is Kingston BETA and why are we doing this. So below, is the what and why of Kingston BETA explained. You’ll get even a better understanding when you picture it also in the context of this quote from a man I’ve watched closely for years. “Entrepreneurs and small businesses are the engines that power our economies, create jobs, fuel growth and ultimately transform communities.” – Sir Richard Branson.

Why and What of Kingston BETA

It’s a bimonthly event that’s been developing the tech community in Jamaica and across the Caribbean for the last 4 years. We’re helping individuals with ideas , get connected to the people, information, funding and markets they need to launch successful startups, that create jobs, build lasting wealth for more people and unleash innovation to the world.

Our Mission is to drive tech entrepreneurship in Jamaica and across the Caribbean.

We’re part of a global entrepreneurship movement, that recognised early that we now live and do business in the Digital Age. This requires us to think and do differently. Kingston BETA for the past 4 years has been leading in preparing Jamaica and the Caribbean for the future.

Kingston BETA is an initiative of my Jamaican-based startup ConnectiMass.

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Related Stories and  Links

Why I started Kingston BETA

Kingston BETA, aims to encourage Caribbean Tech Entrepreneurship…look who and what happened at July’s event.

Why is Kingston BETA important to the Caribbean Tech Community? Listen to them tell you. ( Video)

Caribbean BETA the inaugural one day tech conference is on November 25th, 2011 in Kingston, Jamaica

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