Tech News

SlashRoots is Developing the Caribbean:… across 3 Countries…with 1 Amazing Conference



The annual SlashRoots Developers Conference is on, this January 26th-27th with the theme “Developing The Caribbean. After scoring 400 attendees over 2 days and 15 developer teams for its Code Print competition in 2011 it’s inaugural year,in 2012 it grows Caribbean.

The SlashRoots “Developing the Caribbean” Conference/Developers Competition is the first regional Software Developer Conference and Code Sprint of its kind, focused on OpenData and the application of technology to solving social problems. The conference will take place simultaneously across multiple sites in the Caribbean, with marquee events in The Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago.

Why SlashRoots Dev Conference?
Caribbean societies share a wide range of pressing economic, social and environmental demands in many areas such as agriculture, fishing, trade, tourism, entrepreneurship and education. However, most attempts at solutions have traditionally been discussed in isolation and with typically limited access to quality information for evidence-based decision-making. Open institutional approaches represent a new paradigm that can be a catalyst for change. Greater amounts of information and more accessible technologies are creating opportunities to further and more effectively develop collaborative solutions to our traditional problems.


Watch this space for more coverage of this major Caribbean Tech Event. is a media sponsor

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