
Snapshot: Caribbean mobile/cellular spend update 2012



This is a 2012 update to our mobile/cellular spend Snapshot, to determine the extent to which persons’ monthly spend on mobile/cellular services have changed across the English-speaking Caribbean.

In many recognised telecoms/IT assessments that aim to provide an indication of competitiveness and/or the likelihood of persons being able to afford certain services, price comparisons are frequently integral to the exercise.  For example, in our 2012 Snapshot of network readiness, as conducted by the World Economic Forum and INSEAD, mobile cellular tariffs and fixed broadband Internet tariffs were two of the key measures used to gauge affordability under the Readiness Index.

In May 2011, we provided a snapshot of monthly spend for mobile/cellular services based on pre-defined baskets of services, and provided a six-month update in November of that year. In this post and one year later, we are again looking at the extent to which mobile/cellular rates have changes across the English-speaking Caribbean, which in turn would affect the amount spent for those services per month. more

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