
6 Tips to Using the Internet to Fund Your Startup Idea



In working with entrepreneurs and startups around the region, by far the main grievance aired is that they are not enough options to raise money to fund their startup dreams. Many have been burned or even given up entirely on the traditional banking avenues. That does not leave many local alternatives for someone ripe with raw creative talent, but limited in access to the capital and investment vehicles needed to translate ideas into sustainable businesses. But where local options are limited, the Internet now provides a world of possibility through crowdfunding.

The Rise of Crowdfunding
The region’s financial institutions are, typically, are not friendly to non-traditional, intangible-asset-based undertakings, like technology startups. Crowdfunding allows individuals or companies to raise money using online social media tools to connect to those who are most interested in funding their projects. The concept has been so successful that the crowdfunding phenomenon has quickly moved from techie buzzword to a mainstream fundraising model.  More

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