
How to Market Your Caribbean Business on WhatsApp to Build Connection & Drive Sales



Mobile Messaging is eating the world and specifically WhatsApp Messaging. The smartphone messaging app that Facebook bought for USD$22 billion in 2014, hit 1 billion monthly in January this year and the Caribbean adoption of the App is pretty high. Caribbean people have been using the messaging app to replace texting and international voice calling and now recently Caribbean small businesses are leveraging it as a marketing tool. They are setting up micro-mobile communities around their brands to communicate directly with clients and finalize sales.

As we know, having a social-media presence is crucial to building your brand–that’s a given. And while other platforms such as Facebook and Instagram – already allows you to keep in close contact with potential customers, as well as fans, WhatsApp takes it to the next level.

What Makes WhatsApp a Compelling Marketing Tool?

  1. Your current and potential customers have their smartphone with them always, so influencing them at the point of decision to buy is immediate and powerful.
  2. Your current and potential customers, already use their phones to research products and services, get feedback from friends and reviews from previous buyers – all this while in the place of business most times.
  3.  WhatsApp costs practically nothing to you Caribbean business and doesn’t require the upkeep of other social networks that require active content production.


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