
Zoom Behind the Scenes: The Making of the SiliconCaribe Caribbean Women in Tech Top 50 List with our Judges | 2021



On Girls in ICT Day Thursday, April 23rd, 2021 we at SiliconCaribe released our First Annual Caribbean Women in Tech Top 50 List.  This stellar list has 50 Women from 14 Countries operating inside 24 tech industry Sectors.

These Women Are Remarkable!

Our judges who are themselves of course stellar in their achievements as Caribbean Women in Tech themselves had the task of assessing just over 140 nominations that came in from our open call online. They processed it through very specific criteria. Know more about or=ur judges and their process. Watch the video below.


The Making of the List

Zoom Behind the Scenes: The Making of the SiliconCaribe Caribbean Women in Tech Top 50 List | 2021

Watch the conversation between Ingrid Riley, Founder of SiliconCaribe, and Ceo of Rebel Grrl Media talk with the fellow judges of The SiliconCaribe Caribbean Women in Tech Top 50 List | 2021. Hear more about why and how it was done and what is next for this SiliconCaribe Initiative.

The Podcast Series is Next.

Without question, the List is powerful, but when you hear them share their stories, this will live on forever. So our Founder Ingrid Riley, will take on the exciting task of conducting podcast interviews with these women and we will be sharing them with you soon. So stay tuned to Join the mailing list and join our social community on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram. We are onboarding sponsors for this amazing podcast series. Email ingrid at to set up a quick call and get details.

Our Partners

We are grateful to our partners Rebel Grrl Media, ICD GROUP, BCIC, WIHCON for believing in this initiative! Onward.

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